Monday, June 21, 2010

Road Map Reboot

Here's a revised and simpler version of the Road Map to Success.  All those tacky Excel shapes and colors were just too cumbersome.  Bolded are the games I'm currently playing, and italicized are the games I'm currently "playing."

There are also several games on my pile of shame that I've all but written off, pretty much all XBLA/PSN/VC/retro things that I am happy (or forced) to keep in my collection, but don't really intend to play anymore, at least not anytime soon.

My back log is insane, despite the token policy I've been using this year.  I'm pretty comfortable with my spending habits on gaming these days, though.  I do still buy a lot, but it's almost all at crazy value prices, which is good.  I need to find a way to catch my experience up to my appetite, and that goes for not only gaming, but for books and film/TV, as well.  Or, I just need to find some way to retire early.  Hmmmm...


Greg said...

You have probably seen this but I thought I would pass along just in case. This is funny. It makes me wonder if they really fixed the underlying RROD problem or just put in this safety net which amounts to the system autopowering down...

Anonymous said...
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Greg said...

Alright, what is up with the posts that sometimes follow mine in Asian characters? They appear and then disappear. Is this some kind of spam. I clicked on the link and it appears to be some kind of porn site.

Count Elmdor said...

Yeah, it's spammers, and they're annoying. I hope they die.

Tankzilla said...

I'm waiting on my pro controller to try some Tri

Count Elmdor said...

I've been meaning to get back to Tri since more or less finishing up Galaxy. My Wii is going to be a Monster Hunter machine for a while.

typicalgeek said...

Sweet backlog you have there - a bunch of fun games. I'll be playing Deus Ex soon as well in honor of DX3.

And yes, I'm probably going to grab Far Cry 2 off Games on Demand sometime soon, so keep an eye out. Have you played it all the way through or were those just initial impressions?

Count Elmdor said...

I did play it all, ALL the way through, about 50 hours total, according to Steam. I absolutely loved it.

However, I would strongly suggest getting the PC version if possible, because quicksave and save anywhere is an absolute must for the game. The enhanced graphics are also a real benefit in FC2, also, just because the world is gorgeous. I've never taken as many screenshots in a game before.

The game's main flaw is how much traveling is involved, and how guys at checkpoints (who all want you dead on site, no questions asked) always respawn after you leave the area, which leads to a lot of fighting through the same areas.

There's so much awesome in the game, though, that it's well worth playing, and the story that unfolds is pretty cool, too.