Every site/podcast out there chooses theirs, so I thought I should, too. I'm going to limit this to 2008 games that I actually played in 2008, as opposed to older games I played in 2008 or 2008 games I haven't played yet. You have to draw the line somewhere.
I don't think I ever named a game for 2007, though, so here's that one first: BioShock. Honorable Mention goes to Halo 3.
Without further ado, my game of the year 2008 is: Metal Gear Solid 4. It was completely awesome, and as good a cap to the series and wish fulfillment as could be hoped for. Who could forget Metal Gear on Metal Gear battle, or Snake's agonizing crawl through that microwave tunnel? Unbelievable, I loved it. Pretty good control scheme, even!
Honorable Mention goes to Gears of War 2.
I didn't actually play that many 2008 games in 2008...
Great GOTY dude!
Hey, can you find me a cheap copy of Dirge of Ceberus? if it's more than 15 bucks, don't bother.
Nevermind, dude. The international edition came out here and it's cheap.
I've heard such abominable things about that game that I can only hope you are using it as a Necronomicon substitute in a ritual summoning from the dimension of X'an'uggloq.
LOL. I've heard bad things about it too. But I've also heard it tries some new things, and I'm trying to convince the crew here to experiment with stuff. Best to study cases where the designers have failed, as well as succeeded. I'm on a big Japanese games with innovation kick, lately. I'm about 13 hours into FFXII. So far, pretty cool.
I loved FFXII. Once you get farther into it, you should write a post about it.
I haven't played anything at all since before leaving Germany, so like 5 days now. I was going to log into WoW once, but the servers were down. I'm thinking I might start Killzone.
I always enjoy these types of lists although there were big problems with some of the ones put out by the online critics. Gamespot's was pretty bad....
Anyway, thanks for posting your picks. I have hardly played any 2008 games in 2008 as well so I can identify with your problem.
You know how I know the PS3 isn't the hardcore gamer console of choice this gen? I'm using my MacBook to charge (by USB) my dead controller so I can play some Killzone tonight.
This is kind of like how last time I went to power on my Wii I had to put fresh AA's into the Wiimote.
So what're you guys' GOTYs?
Fallout 3, MGS 4, or Left 4 Dead. 3-way tie.
Damn, I really have to get my PC so I can pick up Fallout 3 and L4D.
First impressions of Killzone: clearly ambitious, but tragically hamstrung by technical problems. Didn't impede my enjoyment of the first level too much. Great graphics and sound, weapons feel good. Wish the frame rate was better.
Well, honestly, I did not play enough 2008 games to make a fair pick. The 2008 games I really spent some time with were Nintendo's Mario Kart Wii, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and Little Big Planet (you might be thinking, "WTF?!! Is this guy 10 years old?").
Most of my gaming time this past year was spent catching up on older games such as GOW, Resistance, and COD2. I have been playing some GOW2. I guess it I had to pick a game, it would be that one. However, I have yet to experience Fallout 3, Lost Odyssey, L4D, etc.
BTW, Ninja Gaiden 2 and Condemned 2 are both $9.99 at BestBuy. This is a damn good price for those games.
Those are excellent prices, and I should probably have picked up NG2 for that price, even if I don't really want it...
What I've heard of the Condemned series seems pretty cool. Box art kind of turns me off, though. I don't really like horror movies or games where everything looks shitty and nasty. I can be very fickle.
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