Saturday, April 15, 2023

Adeptus Titanicus Demos

 After the excitement of Adepticon, I wanted to bring some of the joy of Adeptus Titanicus back to my local scene, so I asked the store manager of the local Warhammer Store if I could run some demo games sometime. He obliged by suggesting a day and then posting about it on Facebook beforehand to draw in more interest.

I got to the store that Saturday morning and set up a small board with just a couple of Titans on either side in an approximately balanced approach. I also set up a few other Titans and all my terminals and such to show people what the game is all about and how it looks and works. 

I ended up demonstrating the game through a few turns to a few different people, had a good time doing it, and hopefully got a few more people interested in playing a game that seems curiously underplayed, though many espouse its greatness. I did meet a couple of potential future opponents, as well, whenever I can potentially set up a game again.

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