Questoris Knights of House Taranis during the Horus Heresy. Against everyone’s advice I am considering playing a Knight Household list at an upcoming event. #LegionsImperialis #HorusHeresy #AdeptusTitanicus #30K #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerCommunity
— ( January 5, 2025 at 2:33 PM
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Above is my latest hobby project finished. As written, I had been considering playing a Questoris Familia style list, all or primarily Knights, at Adepticon this year, but the event organizers have put out their rules packet and forbidden that army type.
So, I will tentatively take my Alpha Legion force in Epic scale, instead. I have enough painted that I can run three full formations and be very near the 2000 point army limit. It'll just require the addition of 4 Kratos Heavy Battle Tanks, which may be the next thing I build and paint.
In addition to Legions Imperialis, I plan to play in the Adeptus Titanicus doubles event with my friend Dave. He and I also partnered up for the same event in 2023. To make my tentative 1250 point list, a Ferrox Light Maniple of Titans, I'll need to build and paint one more Reaver Battle Titan.
Fortunately, I have both the Reaver and the Kratos tanks on my shelf ready to be started. So, that's what I have decided to work on next, hobby-wise. These are both good projects in that they will be toward a clear goal and from my pile of potential, reducing it by a few models.
Unfortunately, I had laid out cash for a couple more Knights model kits before I saw the list restriction, so I'll be adding those to the shelf without a clear mandate for the models. I guess if I organize my own event and plan my own games, I can run whatever I like, though.
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