Thursday, January 2, 2025

End of 2024 Hobby Recap and Looking Ahead at 2025

Never did post the second hastily painted Leviathan Siege Dreadnought I did for my Alpha Legion recently. #HydraDominatus #HorusHeresy #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerCommunity

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— ( December 19, 2024 at 9:17 PM

Another sprue of Solar Auxilia Infantry done. #LegionsImperialis #SolarAuxilia #Epic #WarhammerCommmunity #PaintingWarhammer

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— ( December 29, 2024 at 7:35 PM

Final hobby project of 2024 done! That makes 4 Solar Auxilia Infantry sprues painted. Will it be enough? For the Emperor/Warmaster! (delete as appropriate). #LegionsImperialis #SolarAuxilia #HorusHeresy #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerCommunity

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— ( December 31, 2024 at 12:16 PM

I've finished my recent work on my Alpha Legion in 28mm scale, for the Horus Heresy tournament at the beginning of December.  I had forgotten to post the second Leviathan Heavy Siege Dreadnought until a later date, however.

Since then, thinking about what I need to get painted for the next big thing, it's all come down to more models for Legions Imperialis. The Storm Eagles I posted previously are a part of that effort. I need them, specifically, to fill out an Aerial Assault Formation for my Alpha Legion in Epic scale, which I think is roughly 8mm, rounded up. Games Workshop says it's 1/4 scale of Age of Darkness, which is commonly referred to as 28mm scale, but is actually a little more "heroic" than that, in how certain features of models are exaggerated for aesthetics. Regardless, I have Alpha Legion forces in both scales. 

I also have Solar Auxilia in Epic scale, and the infantry bases shown here are the last of those I had unpainted around the house. I'm not sure I'll use them much except for games around the house for practice or potentially to demo the game at my local store, but I had the army from buying the initial launch box of the game, and I'd bought an additional kit of them, as well. Those are all painted, now. All that remains are my 10 aircraft for the faction. Those should be fairly quick to paint at some point, though.

For now I am painting 3 Questoris Knights, again at Epic scale. In my first game to learn the system I had fun moving my Acastus Knight Porphyrion around shooting stuff. I think this scale might be the best way to play with Knights and Titans (I'm sure it is for Titans, albeit using Adeptus Titanicus rules).

I suppose it would be good to prep some of those Auxilia aircraft soon, also, especially to run in practice and learning games head of Adepticon, where I plan to play in a Legions Imperialis event. I do also need to brush up on my Adeptus Titanicus play, since I plan to play that there, as well.