This game was such a blowout that I don't really even want to recount it. These pics are in no particular order.
My force was mercilessly leaf-blown off the table by a triple-commander Tau list at 1,000 points.
Doesn't seem right, does it? Three tooled-up commanders at 1,000 points?
I guess that's one thing to keep in mind in games like this. Consider how the game will play out for your opponent. Particularly when it's not a particularly competitive environment.
Like say, a casual Friday afternoon game at a store not known for it's hardcore crowd.
Not that I'm bitter. I probably tend too much toward the narrative or rule-of-cool skew when it comes to list building. I'm used to losing on account of it.
I should have required more terrain, and any at all to block line of sight for this game.
Another area I've been deficient playing with Custodes... their 2+ armor save and 4+ invulnerable save make them tough, but far from invincible.
And the low model count per unit make it so that games can snowball against you once you start losing models here and there.
I probably lean too hard into Sisters of Silence in my lists, but they're very cool models.
I think I'll remove the Vigilators squad until such time as I can give them a transport to take up the board.
I've already drafted another list for next time, and it'll include a buffed up Venerable Contemptor.