Sunday, October 27, 2024

2024 Booklog

The Hunt for Vulkan by David Annandale

The Beast Must Die by Gav Thorpe

White Dwarf 483

White Scars: A Codex Space Marines Supplement

Warhammer: The Horus Heresy - Liber Mechanicum

The End and the Death Volume III by Dan Abnett

White Dwarf 484

White Dwarf 485

The Art of the Horus Heresy

The New Leviathans by John Gray

Watchers in Death by David Annandale

The Last Son of Dorn by David Guymer

Shadow of Ullanor by Rob Sanders

White Dwarf 486

The Beheading by Guy Haley

The Verdict of the Scythe by David Annandale

White Dwarf 487

Sanguinius: The Great Angel by Chris Wraight

Inquisitor: The War for the Emperor's Soul

Resurrection: The Horusian Wars

White Dwarf 488

White Dwarf 489

White Dwarf 490

White Dwarf 491

War Zone Octarius: Book 1: Rising Tide

War Zone Octarius: Book 2: Critical Mass

Arks of Omen: Vashtorr

Dawn of Fire: Hand of Abaddon by Nick Kyme

Defragmentation by Nick Kyme

White Dwarf 492

Prologue to Nikaea by David Annandale

The Prisoner by Graham McNiell

Dread Night by Nick Kyme

Crucible by John French

Kaldor Draigo: Knight of Titan by L J Goulding

Sacrifice by Ben Counter

Witness by Joe Parrino

Maledictus by David Annandale

True Name by David Annandale

Incorruptible by David Annandale

The Mourning Tower by David Annandale

Solemnity by Nick Kyme

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Alpha Legion Roll Deep


I’ve painted 11 Rhinos and 4 Spartan Assault Carriers to add to my Alpha Legion for Epic scale battles. #LegionsImperialis #HydraDominatus #30K #HorusHeresy #WarhammerCommunity #PaintingWarhammer

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— ( October 16, 2024 at 9:18 PM

With these additions to the Legions Imperialis force, I can field a full 2000 point list of Alpha Legion with one Titan for support. I am also given to understand that Rhinos can be pretty useful even when empty of their cargo.

I've painted a bunch of Lil' Legions to this point, but still have yet to play a game, though I have done a good amount of list building. With luck I'll be able to attend Adepticon in 2025 and get some games in there, if not before. 

An Unexpected Victory


My Radix Praetorians took the gold medal at Armies on Parade today at the local Warhammer store. Oh no, now the rest of the force has to meet this standard. #40K #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerCommunity #ArmiesOnParade

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— ( September 28, 2024 at 8:48 PM

I was heading up to the store to try to get a quick game in and I'd heard Armies on Parade was happening, so I just picked up the Praetorians here as they were my most recent project and I wanted to make sure the store had plenty on display. I had no idea I'd even be in contention for a prize. There was at least one other entry there I thought more impressive, but I'll not argue with the judging.