Monday, June 17, 2024

Echoes of Betrayal part 2

This weekend was the Echoes of Betrayal pt 2 event at Mindtaker Miniatures in Vancouver, WA. I played two rounds, taking 2 heads and 2 wins with my Alpha Legion Headhunter Leviathal army list. First against Iron Warriors! #30K #HorusHeresy #AlphaLegion #HydraDominatus #WarhammerCommunity

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— ( Jun 17, 2024 at 1:30 PM

Game 2 was against the corrupted Word Bearers, in which my Seeker and Headhunter squads worked together to snipe Argel Tal out of the large unit of Gal Vorbak possessed marines he led. For the Emperor… #30K #HorusHeresy #HydraDominatus #AlphaLegion #WarhammerCommunity

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— ( Jun 17, 2024 at 1:34 PM

The Bluesky posts there basically say it all, but I am very proud of the showing my Headhunter Leviathal pulled out at the second of these events I brought it to. The first was a bit of a bust because I had to leave after only one game in which we only really played a couple of rounds, and thus didn't get the chance to really prove the list. 

In a nutshell, it's designed to kill the enemy's Warlord, the model at the head of their army, for extra victory points to add to the game end tally. Most of those will come from smart primary objective play, but the points of Slay the Warlord are enough to put me over the top in the event of a draw or near draw. 

It's also just a real Alpha move, a real PsyOp, and entirely thematically consistent with the lore of my army, the Alpha Legion, who thrive on sneaky, underhanded mind games they use to supplement their already prodigious capabilities as a straight up Space Marine Legion.

Pics from my game vs Dark Mechanicum over the weekend. #HorusHeresy #30K #AlphaLegion #Warhammer #HydraDominatus

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— ( Apr 30, 2024 at 1:04 PM

Pics immediately above from Echoes of Betrayal part 1 in which I played against Mechanicum.

Army Building - Chaos in M41, and Heresy Mega Battle Prep

The three Marines Malcontent I mentioned last post turned out well. I had some momentum going on my Chaos stuff, so I kept it up by building some cultists, a couple of Obliterators, and a Venomcrawler from my shelf stock. All are now also primed with Zandri Dust spray and awaiting further attention.

More Leginaries join the Marines Malcontent warband! They’re in a huff about the Imperium’s ways and are going to throw a tantrum on the battlefield! Also pictured: Zone Mortalis terrain for my table. #Warhammer40K #Chaos #HereticAstartes #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerCommunity

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— ( Jun 8, 2024 at 4:04 PM

The box of cultists I had was originally released as a part of Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress, so it only included 7 models of the 10 that are needed for a full unit. I happened to have 3 little weird guys on 25mm bases that would make up the difference. These are technically the retinue of Lord Inquisitor Hector Rex, whom I use in my Grey Knights army as Kaldor Draigo. I like to think they are very confused to be running with 7 random Chaos Cultists. The box also included a Cultist Firebrand, who is these days sold separately. I painted that model in a single day to a pretty decent standard, bringing my total of Chaos Space Marines faction models fully painted and playable up to 13.

quick paintjob today on this Cultist Firebrand #Warhammer40K #Chaos #HereticAstartes #PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerCommunity

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— ( Jun 10, 2024 at 5:14 PM

My next step would probably have been to paint those 10 cultists for him to lead, but I kind of decided at the last moment (7 days out) that I would bring White Scars to the Horus Heresy mega-battle a local player is hosting at his house this coming Saturday.

I would really like to bring much of what I have suitable and painted, plus another couple of Drop Pods and a third Predator tank. Of those, I built the pods yesterday, and hope to be able to get them primed today, and potentially get that Predator built as well. Or at least started. With a tank I prefer to base coat the hull prior to gluing the already painted tracks on, which adds a little time to the whole process, but is I think worth it in the end.